The parenting class learned about FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome). FAS refers to the growth, mental, and physical problems that may occur in a baby when a mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy. I had the students compare an FAS baby with a healthy newborn baby. FAS babies can suffer from poor muscle tone, poor coordination, delayed development, significant functional problems in thinking, speech, movement, and social skills, structural problems with the face including: narrow, small eyes with large epicanthal folds, small head, small upper jaw, smooth groove in upper lip, smooth and thin upper lip, flattened cheekbones, lack of imagination or curiosity, poor memory, behavioral problems, hyperactivity, and anxiety.
Next week, the students with create an informational brochure about FAS.
After working ob/gyn it was heart breaking to see the newborn FAS babies....the highest, shrillest cry you've ever heard. You knew instantly which ones were FAS....