Thursday, October 8, 2009

Rubber Glove Relay

The pictures above are of the "Rubber Glove Relay." I had the students compete in this game after we went over sanitation and the importance of it. I think I've got some competitors on my hands!!!

Rubber Glove Relay!! Divide the class into teams.


  • Each kitchen is given a pair of rubber gloves.
  • When one student is wearing the rubber gloves during the relay, the other students must stay seated at their table.
  • There is absolutely no running!
  • When the relay starts, the first person must put on the gloves and do the assigned task, then come back to the table sit down and pass the gloves to the next person.
  • The next person puts on the rubber gloves, completes the assigned task; this is repeated until all the tasks are completed.
  • To show they are done, the last person places the rubber gloves on the middle of the table and the team raises their hands.

The tasks are:

  • Get out the dish drainer and soap.
  • Fill the right sink with hot, soapy water.
  • Fill the left sink with hot water.
  • Wash the dishes located on the counter. Place them in the left sink.
  • Rinse the dishes and place them in the drainer.
  • Dry the dishes and put them away in the correct place.
The winning team is presented with a treat!

1 comment:

  1. I soooo think that your awesome students need to come to my house and have a "competition" over my kitchen sink!.....they are all toooo cute!
